Monty by Jim Meddick for June 15, 2011
One of the distinct pleasures of visiting the sure is the briefer spite it provides from auntie Nell's incessant oversight... Indeed sir. Sedgwick don't forget to apply SPF 45 to your elbows and knees. You so often freckle them. Can you believe the gall of that woman?!... To commission commercial aircraft to hound me even here with embarrassing importunities! What an over weaning fuss budget! And no, I'm not an overweaning fussbudget.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Now, Sedgie! Auntie Nell just has your welfare at heart. You should be grateful that anyone gives a fig about you!
Commentator over 13 years ago
That is one ugly rich kid.
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
I do miss the rating system on However, with this strip I always had trouble rating it only five out of five stars. On a scale of one to ten it rates an A+.
BurritoBandito over 13 years ago
Overweening Fussbudget! I Love it!
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 13 years ago
How do aunties know these things?
JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago
^They use auntie matter!
( glad to read this here — auntie’s banners were unreadable in my newspaper!)
Clotty Peristalt over 2 years ago
The days before text messaging became ubiquitous. Ahh… They were better days, really (sigh)
Dennett Premium Member 6 months ago
Quick Test: Use “underweening” in a sentence… while keeping a straight face!