Monty by Jim Meddick for June 08, 2012
Want to hear my theory about why vampires and zombies are so popular in this current socio-economic climate? Does it require diagrams? No. Ok. Vampires represent a fear of elites, the 1%... Powerful selfish beings suck the rest of us dry... Zombies represent a fear of the underclass... Buried suffering and resentment will one day surface in a massive uprising and breakdown of society... Ok. But how do you explain the Kardashians? For that I might need diagrams.
Rista over 12 years ago
I personally suspect the Kardashians ARE vampires…
chireef over 12 years ago
what about the wolves? the Bankers maybe?
JamesMcW over 12 years ago
totally agree. good going.
Ida No over 12 years ago
Kardashians = zombie vampires.Underclass that turn trash into more money than you’ll ever see.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
The difference between vampires and glitter-vampires?(Without diagrams.)
Wenthral over 12 years ago
Please, we prefer to be called the living impaired.
Kvasir42 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Wow, that actually makes sense.
Bobong over 12 years ago
Hmmm. That explains my affinity for zombies and my fear and loathing of vampires. Astute observation, Monty!
Varnes over 12 years ago
Zombies are cool, vampires suck….
erinbliss over 12 years ago
What happened on the iceberg? How did they get back to reality?
mandosalama over 12 years ago
The Elite explanation sounds true to me, but Zombies are “us”.. the herds with brain damages who walk around day after day not aware of the real world they “live” in. Obviously, the Kardashians are tools of the elite’s plan to keep our brains dead!
I won’t be surprised to discover that the elite “vampires” are producing all these zombie movies to laugh at us & mock us!
mark1066 Premium Member over 12 years ago
A brilliant analysis!
revisages over 12 years ago
meddick at his best. classic. if i were to order a strip, as some of these guys sell dates, this’d be one of them. btw, whatever did happen with the titanic caper?
Rumsy4 over 12 years ago
I assumed they recovered the time-vortex watch from the seal and came back to the present. Or perhaps, they went back in time to undo their part in the Titanic mishap before returning.
hossblacksilver over 12 years ago
Kardashians represent the oppression of Bajor, duh.
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Talk about jumping around with the story line. I wanted to see how they caught the seal.
fhhuber over 12 years ago
Kardasians’ popularity: People are fascinated by a train wreck.
mrsullenbeauty over 12 years ago
I just don’t think anyone is really “scared” of vampires anymore; the seemed to have been transmogrified somewhere along the way into romantic figures and aspirational role models; people don’t want to run away from vampires, they want to BE vampires. So mybe the 1% comparison is spot on, in that sense.
As for zombies, I’m cynical enough to believe that they’re fantasy human targe practice wish fulfillment satisfiers. Zombies are so popular because they allow people to shoot other people with impunity, because they aren’t really “people.” Much more fun to shoot pseudo-people than some monster that doesn’t look like a person.
jimbeauga over 12 years ago
Link to factual reference, please.
Bobong over 12 years ago
Gee, I hadn’t even thought about “Semites” being “vampires” before you mentioned such. And I must say, Occupy is not anti-Semitic. They are opposed to the policies if the government of Israel, as are many Israelis themselves.
djmalloy over 12 years ago
The Kardashians are the 1% that suck the resources from society. See the earnings for People magazine or Entertainment Tonight.
jacqilove over 12 years ago
Wait a minim. Weren’t we just on an iceberg with 1500 people who survived the worst maritime tragedy in the 2oth century? Why abandon that arc?
Dennett Premium Member 8 days ago
The Kardashians were a villainous race of aliens on Star Trek…