Monty by Jim Meddick for January 31, 2017
Well... Waddya know?... A twenty dollar bill! This must be my lucky... And.. Ta da! A flying wedgy booby-trap! Great. But how do you secretly attach a 300lb monofilament line to someone's underpants? C'mon! Don't be a killjoy! We've got til April 1st to iron out the details!
oldpine52 about 8 years ago
Please Mr. Meddick, don’t ever do this again.
SwimsWithSharks about 8 years ago
This gag was just an excuse for Monty to cavort in his tightees.
ChessPirate about 8 years ago
“Now, get me down… hey, what are you doing with that camera?”
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
That’s disgusting! Monty, this a family strip: get some clothes on!