This is another reason I love my Kindle e-reader. It has a technology that uses reflected light, like a book, so you can read it effortlessly in full daylight. The built-in night-time lighting is actually LEDs that shine down on the screen (roughly). Of course, I could always just bring a book, but having a whole library at hand is nice. And it’s small enough to easily hold— the Kindle Fire, with its color screen, I hated, even though I got it free.
Beatlesfan over 4 years ago
I’m sorry, but that movie is aaaawful: ) Best just watch the beach mang
Lucy Rudy over 4 years ago
How can he see video sitting in the sun?
SpaceBuckaroo over 4 years ago
I guess last Sunday’s episode will be lost forever.
FassEddie over 4 years ago
He’s missing the best parts!
Oakwood13 over 4 years ago
I always laugh at those laptop commercials with people sitting in the sun working on their laptop.
steverinoCT over 4 years ago
This is another reason I love my Kindle e-reader. It has a technology that uses reflected light, like a book, so you can read it effortlessly in full daylight. The built-in night-time lighting is actually LEDs that shine down on the screen (roughly). Of course, I could always just bring a book, but having a whole library at hand is nice. And it’s small enough to easily hold— the Kindle Fire, with its color screen, I hated, even though I got it free.
jonesbeltone over 4 years ago
Where is Pilsner?
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Arrgh! Cast thy “hand-held device” upon the waters! Maybe it will sink!
William Bednar Premium Member over 4 years ago
Baywatch? Ok, nice buns.
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
As Chandler once said: Run – girls! Run like the wind!
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
It’s got more hot babes than this beach.
Out of the Past over 4 years ago
comics guy 47 over 4 years ago
One of my fav TV show promos… “Sports Night… It’s about sports – the way Baywatch is about water safety.”