Just an old but perfectly valid expression meaning “I’ll buy.” But it does remind me of an incident a few years ago, when my 20-something son came across an old Batman comic title panel for a story called “The Joker’s Boner”, and I had to explain the innocent meaning of that to him.
Sherlock Watson almost 8 years ago
Ask for it, and you shall get it.
Dean almost 8 years ago
In today’s lingo, the text in panel 3 could be taken in a strange way for a family newspaper ………. not that there is anything wrong with that.
tuslog1964 almost 8 years ago
With friends like that, you don’t need enemies!
Number Three almost 8 years ago
Oh no.
pbuckland Premium Member almost 8 years ago
You don’t usually see the 4th dimension so vividly in the comics. I like the highly compressed panel 4.
paullp Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Just an old but perfectly valid expression meaning “I’ll buy.” But it does remind me of an incident a few years ago, when my 20-something son came across an old Batman comic title panel for a story called “The Joker’s Boner”, and I had to explain the innocent meaning of that to him.
brklnbern almost 8 years ago
Good one. This is like a second version of yesterday’s strip with different facts.