There’s logic there somewhere.
This was before the time of antifreeze. They used straight water and you drained the radiator and engine block if you were gonna leave the vehicle for any length of time.. or cover it to trap the heat for a few hours.
oh i understand….back then, all you put in radiators was water…they could freeze up
Just a screwball.
Its just me almost 3 years ago
There’s logic there somewhere.
Alberta Oil almost 3 years ago
This was before the time of antifreeze. They used straight water and you drained the radiator and engine block if you were gonna leave the vehicle for any length of time.. or cover it to trap the heat for a few hours.
oakie817 almost 3 years ago
oh i understand….back then, all you put in radiators was water…they could freeze up
brklnbern almost 3 years ago
Just a screwball.