MythTickle by Justin Thompson for March 28, 2014

  1. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 11 years ago

    I think that is not Für Elise.I do not know of any part of Für Elise that would sound like panel 3, an any transposition. I tried to fit it to the third, but could not. Luddie’s been dead more than 70 years, going on 187 years, so his copyrights have lapsed. But then, when I was keeping up with Schroeder, I could rarely recognise anything Schroeder played as Beethoven. Für Elise is the first Beethoven Sonata almost any pianist learns. It has even earned its own nickname. JusSayin

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 11 years ago

    I’d be more worried about a potential thrashing from Lucy Van Pelt….

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  3. Denver broncos logo 9118
    broncosdaddy  almost 11 years ago

    Bravo big brother, very funny. You actually almost made me spit my drink out as I read panel 4 first and started reading at Mr. Thompson, you really had me fooled for a few minutes. Then I read the strip from the start and I understood the note. This must be one of your favorite strips as it has all your favorite things, the world of Mythtickle and Peanuts combined. ;:^)

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