What to Expect When You're Migrating: Your Beta Data on the New GoComics
by The GoComics TeamBeta users, we want to talk to you about The Great Migration of 2017. As we get closer to launching the brand new GoComics, we want to make sure you understand how moving data from the old GC to the new GC will go. After all, we believe in complete transparency -- or, perhaps in this case, 0% opacity? Digital art's got us speaking Photoshop... At any rate, here's how your beta experience plays with your experience on the current GoComics site.
Beta users who have existing accounts on the current GC site will not see any of their beta changes reflected on the current live site. In other words: what happens on the beta, stays on the This includes comments, so we advise you to test, but not get too attached. Beta users are living in the future and no amount of driving 88 mph can send their data to the past. It's science.
However, when we migrate the old GC over to the new site -- effectively merging the original with the beta -- all of your previous GC data will carry over as an addendum to what you did while testing the You won't lose anything in the transition.
This includes your account status. If you have a free account, you stay with a free account. If you have a Pro account, you're now a GoComics Insider (and not just in our hearts).
Feel beta now? We do.
For more information, including answers to a number of specific questions about the new site, please read our warm welcome and our followup FAQ.
Onward, to the new GoComics!