Beta Updates: Recommendation Remedies for Premium Members
by The GoComics TeamIt's been a busy several weeks since we launched the GoComics beta and we wanted to give you a rundown of our latest improvement rollout, which is set to go live in the coming days.
We're grateful for the feedback we received regarding our recommend comics functionality and, well, we've implemented recommendations recommendations for Premium users.
Here's what's changing for GoComics Insiders:
You'll now only see one recommendation on your My Comics Page
We’d previously been serving up a recommendation for every comic that didn’t update that day. We've refocused and now you'll just see one. Tidy!
Recommendations are now less intrusive
Previously, recommendations would populate where non-updated comic titles lived in your My Comics feed. They now have their own slot. Seamless!
Recommendations are smarter
The GoComics beta now has better tracking, meaning if you dismiss a recommendation, it now stays dismissed. You won't get repeat recommendations of content you don't care to see.
In addition to improving how recommendations work, we also brought back a feature from the current GoComics that many requested for the We brought back the option to show the most recent strip for comics that did not update. On those days when your comics haven't refreshed with new content, you can simply keep the most recent update as a placeholder.
There are more updates to come in the days and weeks ahead as we prepare to take the new GoComics live. If you haven't signed up for a free or premium account, or if you're a registered free user, there'll be plenty more to see and experience soon. Stay tuned for more updates and be sure to leave your feedback in the comments, report any bugs you might befall, and to take our beta survey.