Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 13, 2002

  1. Jellyfish
    Me_Again  over 14 years ago

    Have you intelligent readers noticed that the group is called C.R.A.P.?

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  2. Missing large
    raygun7139  over 12 years ago

    That’s exactly what “homeland security” fed us during Bush’s entire “regime.” (True story:) —> I was in a college speech class when several students and teachers were all for giving up our rights for the sake of “security measures” and said, “I don’t mind being monitored; I’m not doing anything wrong!” It was OKAY, as far as these people were concerned, to forfeit our Bill of Rights in the name of “fighting terrorism.” As far as I’m concerned, the “homeland security” thing is just as terrorist as Al Qaida!

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