Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 17, 2004
Voice: HELLLLP! Captain Eddie: Hey... knock it off. Octopus: OK... you win again, Captain Eddie. Man: You, sire, are the greatest man I have ever met! Please allow me to reward you handsomely. Captain Eddie: Umm... OK. And that's how I became the chief fact-checking consultant fah CBS News. Flo: OK... now that paht I believe. All of mah lobstah traps wahn't just empty that day... they'd been gnawed on! Then I hahd a cry fah help... and that's when I fahst lahd eyes on teh legendary beast. Trapped in its deadly clutches was a visitah on a fishin' vacation. I instinctively knew this couldn't be good fah the town's tahrist trade, so I leapt intah action. Aftah vanquishing mah tentacled foe, I discovered that the guy I rescued was some sah of big shot on TV...