Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 29, 2008
Joe Pyle: Senator... every poll shows an overwhelming majority thinks our domestic, foreign and economic policies are going in the wrong direction. John McCain: I agree... and my vast experience makes me the logical choice to turn it all around. Joe: And how would you do that? McCain: By staying the course. Joe: I think you just made my brain pull a hamstring. McCain: Happens to me all the time... you get used to it after a while.
kgabriel over 16 years ago
Really tired of the political comments made by the writer of this strip
Billconner Premium Member over 16 years ago
so you stopped reading Doonsbury 35 years ago?
if I don’t like the message, I just delete it from my daily dose of comics–just like changing the channel on that objectionable tv show
paulmiller over 16 years ago
This is an extremely clever SATIRICAL strip. Satire exposes logical inconsistencies in a funny way. Politics is the meat of satire, so this strip has to be political. It is consistently one of the smartest strips out there.
Claymore_5by5 over 13 years ago
Mr. Miller is right in that satire exposes logical inconsistencies in a funny way.
That’s why I enjoy this strip. Mr. Wiley regularly points out the so-called right-wing bias in cable network news (meaning Fox) without ever admitting his own screaming liberal bias. His primary character depicted in this strip continually claims he dislikes biased media, all the while covering for Obama.
It’s a toss-up if he’s purposefully doing this as a deeper level of satire, if honestly believes in the “Point” he’s trying to make, or if he thinks most of his readers are stupid enough to actually buy this BS.
Archistoteles about 3 years ago
Republican logic at its finest.