Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 11, 2015
Flo: So what about the people of fiasco aftah the island sunk? Eddie: I gave 'em a lift to the U.S.......Where they could prospah from theah skill as deep hole diggahs. Voices inside white building: How's that hole comin' along? Inescapable, senator. Great! Keep digging. Flo: And suddenly a ludicrous stahry begins to explain so much... Eddie: That's what I'm heah fah.
Superfrog almost 10 years ago
I’m having trouble with the hole concept.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It’s not a hole. It is a tunnel.Prosperity is just around the corner.Until then, please enjoy the debit VBC.(Virtual Breadline Card.)
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
another hole, ho!
handimike almost 10 years ago
I thought those that dug hole were called Borough Engineers
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Bruno, rap band….
Can't Sleep almost 10 years ago
And the people of Fiasco felt right at home, once they realized that Congress was itself an island valiantly fighting against the surrounding Sea of Reality.So they dubbed their new home Fantasy Island…
dabugger almost 10 years ago
Ut Oh, something is getting very deep. Don’t know if can dig this; something going to be uncovered. Does Eddie have da ansah?
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I get so tired of your Maine accents. I’m from Maine (with no accent) and believe that a joke repeated a million times is only emblematic of the joke teller’s OCD… Hey Wiley, love your strip – but why not diversify, poke fun @ people w southern accents; stammers; prosthetic limbs; mental illnesses; phobias; blindness; or deafness; british accents. Branch out.
G_Manitley almost 10 years ago
Yes, the US government is digging quite the hole… and a fiasco, it is, with no end in sight. Each politicial candidate is just as bad as the next.
So, Chrystos, Wiley should change how his characters act because you don’t like them? No one’s holding a gun to your head to read this comic. If reading it bothers you that much, don’t read it.
Guilty Bystander almost 10 years ago
Maine: Where Newfies go when they get lost.
mourdac Premium Member almost 10 years ago
They’d have steady employment in Seattle, the “big bore” project, a 54 ft diameter tunnel to replace an elevated roadway.
Al Nala almost 10 years ago
If’n ya want Maine without an accent, I recommend and
LV1951 almost 10 years ago
This story is full of holes!
Godfreydaniel almost 10 years ago
Eddie is the most endearing character in this strip (followed by the bears followed by Danae), so let him talk how he talks! We here in Kansas City and they there in St. Louie frequently make fun of each others’ accents, yet we hate each other all the same. (Wait, that might not be a good example……..)
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
After the island sank, not sunk.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The Clarence episode titled “Lizard Day Afternoon” features a musical background that is hauntingly similar to The Violent Femmes’ Blister in the Sun.I’m not sure what this has to do with being thin skinned, though. Probably nothing.
Reppr Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Ignore it, Wiley. Chrystos probably has an accent but can’t hear it.