On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for March 16, 2013

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    frogsandravens  almost 12 years ago

    I’m with you on that, Claire.

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    bahramthered  almost 12 years ago

    Claire lets the dog slurp her and she objects to his ball that’s just been the same place?

    If the ball is disgusting what does that make the dog?

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    lily245pj  almost 12 years ago

    Claire, throw the ball in the trash and get a fresh one for the dog. That one was yucky.

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    LeoAutodidact  almost 12 years ago

    Paul, amigo, give it up. There are some things THEY (Women) just will never understand.

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    Linda Pearson  almost 12 years ago

    If I may say, I’m with Claire. I do not want to pick up a ball and get slime all over my hand and clothes!

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    alviebird  almost 12 years ago

    Game. Set. Match.

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    Leticia Shelley  almost 12 years ago

    Why have a dog if you’re afraid of those things.

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