Peanuts by Charles Schulz for April 18, 1971
Lucy is in full baseball gear. She shouts: "We're right behind you, Charlie Brown!"<BR><BR> Patty, who stands in front of a wooden fence, calls, "Pitch it to 'im!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands on the pitcher's mound, in wind-up position.<BR><BR> POW! He throws the ball.<BR><BR> He turns and looks overhead.<BR><BR> Lucy stands in profile and yells, "Chase it yourself! You were the one who pitched it!!"<BR><BR> He stands and watches. [PANEL 8]: Charlie Brown sighs and jumps off the mound to go after the ball.<BR><BR> [PANEL 9]: He runs. [PANEL 10]: He apppears coming throught the wooden fence. [PANEL 11]: He walks.<BR><BR> [PANEL 12]: A kid points at him as Charlie Brown walks. He says, "Hey kid! You with the baseball glove! Y'wanna play right field? We're short a player!"<BR><BR> [PANEL 13]: "Well, I'm already in a.." The kid interrupts him: "Y'wanna play or not? Get out there! We're ready to start!" [PANEL 14]: Charlie Brown stands in the field and says, "I'll be intersted in seeing how this looks in the box score..."<BR><BR>
AlanTompkins over 4 years ago
Poor Charlie Brown!!
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
That kid looks older
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
A Patty cameo! One of her last appearances.