Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 02, 1982
Schroeder stands and looks at the ground in puzzlement. He sits and looks at the reader.<BR><BR> Lucy approaches and looks at him sitting down and looking at the ground. She asks,"You're looing for your piano, right?"<BR><BR> She stoops in front of him and grins. She says,"Guess what...I washed it!"<BR><BR> As she walks off, he hurries after her and exclaims,"You What?" She replies,"I'll bet that piano hasn't been cleaned in two years.. I put it in the washer..."<BR><BR> They stand by the washer and he says,"You can't put a piano in the washer!" She replies,"Don't get so excited! It came out fine..."<BR><BR> He exclaims,"From a Washer?!!" She turns away and says,"I will admit one thing, however..."<BR><BR> He grimaces as she holds up a shrunken, small piano and concludes,"I don't think I should have put it in the dryer..."<BR><BR>
supersexyghotmew95 about 13 years ago
Vivianne Lee almost 13 years ago
Oh oh oh
monkeypro257 over 12 years ago
No dry clean warning?
PatrickASL about 5 years ago
Is this the fourth piano Lucy’s ruined?She threw one down the sewer, she threw one in the kite-eating tree. And I think there was another she destroyed, but I can’t remember how.
thepinkbaroness about 4 years ago
Now he can make tiny music :)
Daeder almost 3 years ago
Who ever heard of a wool piano?
Avatar??? about 2 years ago
Wait did she just use the washer and dryer in Schroeder’s house? She has a very punchable face in panel 4