This Peanuts strip from 1964 (with Lucy whispering in Linus’ ear while Linus is giving a campaign speech) might or might not have been the inspiration for when on September 11, 2001 then U.S President George W. Bush was in a Sarasota, Florida elementary school reading a book to the school kids called “My Pet Goat” until one of Bush’s agents whispered in Bush’s ear about something tragic happening in the USA.
Depends on what time they have to catch the bus. If it’s 7:30am, they have to be up by 6 to get ready for school, have breakfast, fix their lunches, and get to the bus stop.
This is not the strip that appeared on Oct 15. Why was this strip replaced with a propaganda piece from the milk industry? Milk is for cows. It causes disease in humans, and It certainly does not do a body any good. Peanuts needs to get out of bed with the milk industry!
stcrowe about 13 years ago
Linus is so pompous.
legaleagle48 about 13 years ago
Yeah, I don’t think that being “School President” means what he thinks it means.
hsawlrae about 13 years ago
He listens to too many politicians on TV.
finkd about 13 years ago
Already a campaign promise broken !
James Hopkins about 13 years ago
7:30? Even for someone as young as Linus that sounds awfully early.
breezybrown about 13 years ago
i wish there was an app for the iphone
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
We were usually just having supper at 7:30.
DonVanni about 13 years ago
Just wait’ll you see him blow his campaign…
Darryl Heine about 13 years ago
This Peanuts strip from 1964 (with Lucy whispering in Linus’ ear while Linus is giving a campaign speech) might or might not have been the inspiration for when on September 11, 2001 then U.S President George W. Bush was in a Sarasota, Florida elementary school reading a book to the school kids called “My Pet Goat” until one of Bush’s agents whispered in Bush’s ear about something tragic happening in the USA.
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
If only real politicians had early bed times. Maybe they wouldn’t be such a bother.
comicbookpl about 13 years ago
Thats so cute!!!!
Number Three about 13 years ago
gofinsc about 13 years ago
Depends on what time they have to catch the bus. If it’s 7:30am, they have to be up by 6 to get ready for school, have breakfast, fix their lunches, and get to the bus stop.
iced tea about 13 years ago
Benjamin Franiklin said; “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a many healthier, wealthier, and wise.” And that’s what Linus believes in.
dtaylor404 about 13 years ago
Re dheine1971:Aren’t those Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferers cute? It really is incurable, isn’t it?
OK, 1, it’s not cute, and 2, it’s not the people who have it who suffer, it’s the rest of us.
Steve71 about 13 years ago
This is not the strip that appeared on Oct 15. Why was this strip replaced with a propaganda piece from the milk industry? Milk is for cows. It causes disease in humans, and It certainly does not do a body any good. Peanuts needs to get out of bed with the milk industry!