When people ask, “How dense can you be?” I reply “One gram per cubic centimeter.” I am neutrally buoyant: I sink or float based on whether I have air in my lungs.
BTW: I don’t know why they call it “buoyancy.” Women have the natural flotation devices. (In fact, the old name for a life preserver is a “Mae West” after the very buxom actress). Therefore, it should be called “girlancy.”
whataboytjiex2 over 6 years ago
You’d better Roll Joe, that is if you don’t want to drown!
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
how embarrassing
finkd over 6 years ago
Maybe he should have tried a belly flop instead.
hariseldon59 over 6 years ago
Time to start dog paddling.
knutdl over 6 years ago
Who was Joe Rock?
mjb515 over 6 years ago
The World Famous Swimmer now has a World Famous Concussion.
jagedlo over 6 years ago
why you should wade in first to make sure that there aren’t any rocks or anything that could cause injury!
sheilag over 6 years ago
Funny thing: I probably know a guy named “Joe Rock”, as that is a common last name where I am…
ajakimber425 over 6 years ago
Which is why you never ever leap into water. Even, if you see the bottom, you don’t know what’s buried in the sand.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
When people ask, “How dense can you be?” I reply “One gram per cubic centimeter.” I am neutrally buoyant: I sink or float based on whether I have air in my lungs.
BTW: I don’t know why they call it “buoyancy.” Women have the natural flotation devices. (In fact, the old name for a life preserver is a “Mae West” after the very buxom actress). Therefore, it should be called “girlancy.”
summerdog86 over 6 years ago
All dogs know how to dog paddle, but I have seen some sink anyways. Maybe they didn’t wait that hour after eating all that kibble.
ToonGuy300 over 6 years ago
Same thing Booker from U.S. Acres was trying to deal with this week.