"The world was shocked today to learn of the death of Rat." "This of course means that the town's city council election is a race between two deceased candidates." "A dead heat, if you will." "John, please." "...Talk about your 'stiff' competition."
sarya156 almost 13 years ago
I love this one
pugsandpickles over 10 years ago
who will win?!??! (intense)
EKRustrum almost 5 years ago
Nice one mate
Boxo croco says happy derby over 3 years ago
J’aime John
FroggyFrogster over 3 years ago
Why does he sit on a pillow? Wouldn’t he need something to support his back?
robert423elliott about 3 years ago
Earlier I said it was a pillow. Someone else claimed it was a bean bag. I don’t see how!