Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 03, 2002
"Excuse me, Sir, but I'm Rat and I'm running for city council...I'd like your vote." "Why should I vote for you?" "Because I'm the only candidate who promises that if elected, I will invade Mexico." "Invade Mexico? Why would I want to invade Mexico?" "Because they're not expecting it." "You can't invade a country just because they're not expecting it." "I know...That's where the tacos come in." "Tacos?" "They've got the tacos." "You're a few beans short of a burrito." "They've got those too."
comicgal10 over 12 years ago
Wow finally rat’s intelligence gets insulted. It must be pigs day off.(this is way over due)
Doctor Coconuts about 12 years ago
its not funny rats gonna kill him
joeshmo30 about 11 years ago
well, so long! im off to join rats army to invade mexico! (i want all da free tacos and nachos i can eat! :D)
squiglyman over 9 years ago
Harry J. Adams about 3 years ago
I like the background.