Perry Bible Fellowship by Nicholas Gurewitch for September 13, 2019

  1. Helmet cat1
    VictoryRider  over 5 years ago

    I realize that most of these are repeats (if not all), but you guys could do a better job at the frequency of some of these showing up. I’ve been over to the PBF website, and while there are some on there that wouldn’t be suitable to post on Go Comics, there are plenty that would be fine, and you would have much less of the same ones showing up so frequently.

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  2. Dsc 0101
    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I think it is because the nonsensical word “weeaboo” from this very comic has now been adopted as a real word meaning Japanophile?

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    tims145  over 5 years ago

    See, if you just run the same comics over and over and over again they become memes!OK, I’m one of those people who ends up coming back here all the time anyway so I don’t have much room to sneer.

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  4. 0122161510
    Puzzler Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I agree Tink, there are many more that I have only seen once.

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  5. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I’m especially tired of this one….

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    Malcolm Hall  over 5 years ago

    You realize that the rerun complaint is the equivalent of “wee-a-boo”?

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