Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for August 21, 2012
I thought you WANTED your parents to approve of me. That is why I have been gradually turning down the SHIELD of BORINGNESS all evening. It was the SHIELD of HUMORING A CHILD, and then the SHIELD of MILD INTEREST, and then the SHIELD of EYEBROW-RAISING NOVELTY. Briefly it was the SHIELD of ANNOYANCE, because I forgot to carry a five... Phoebe: I do that sometimes.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Shield of Everyday Acceptance?just as long as it doesn’t become theShield of the Mundane.
Claire Jordan over 12 years ago
I don’t understand what she means about carrying a five – the only meaning I know for that is mathematical and we haven’t seen any reason why she’d be doing maths. Does it mean something else?
When I first started reading this I was dubious – a strip about a little girl and a unicorn could so easily have turned out to be revoltingly twee. But actually it’s a worthy successor to Calvin and Hobbes, and I’m delighted that Marigold is a “proper” unicorn, with cloven hooves and a lion’s tail and as much antelope as horse. Presumably the males have little heraldic beards.
rpmurray over 12 years ago
I’m lazy so I only carry ones.
nerdhoof over 12 years ago
Perhaps the Shield of Boringness is one of the few things about unicorns that involve math.
ronrab over 12 years ago
Soon it will be the SHIELD of YES I’M AWESOME.
Destiny23 over 12 years ago
I wonder how long she had to spend in Unicorn University (UU) to learn the advanced computations that are her Magic… (Next time your kids ask why they have to learn math in school, tell them they can use it to do magic!)
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
I was happy with the gold-colored dollar coins, when they were out. I think it’s a mistake that they discontinued them. They should phase out the paper singles.
rocketscientist over 12 years ago
Apparently, Unicorns use Mathemagics. Now I want to see HNM cast Leomund’s Tiny Lunchroom or Tenser’s Floating Disco.
DDrazen over 12 years ago
Next time your math teacher tells you to pay attention because you’ll need to use it all your life, believe them!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
I had a feeling the parental units were somehow getting through the SHIELD OF BORINGNESS.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Those must be some new tricks.
dramac333 over 12 years ago
According to my wife, I live behind the Shield of Annoyance constantly. Perhaps I’m really a unicorn?
Justdar826 over 12 years ago
They are still minting dollar coins in the US. Once every three months they mint another president.
Love2laugh over 4 years ago
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait… You mean she’s been mind controlling Pheobe the whole time to make her feel things.
sagurufan over 4 years ago
I liked the joke of marigold!