Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 10, 2024

  1. Photo
    Ahuehuete  8 months ago

    There are now store brand knock offs which cost less than half. Granted, if you wish to support the Girl Scouts then you can buy their cookies.

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    PraiseofFolly  8 months ago

    I imagine if there were ancient Egyptian Girl Scouts, their cookies would be found packed in, still edible, with mummies. Egyptologists gobbled them up before museums could display them. (— (—

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  8 months ago

    Maybe there a best before date then eh.

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    juicebruce  8 months ago

    Munchies !

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    walstib Premium Member 8 months ago

    Once I was in a meeting that ended when the manager had finished an entire sleeve of Mint Thins.

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    ctolson  8 months ago

    Recently came across some GS cookies from last year that had fallen behind some storage tubs. Didn’t bother to check for an expiration / best by date, I just opened a package and starting eating. Still very good and flavorful.

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    Teto85 Premium Member 8 months ago

    We have two boxes of Thin Mints in the freezer waiting for July and milkshakes.

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    FassEddie  8 months ago

    What, and let those l’il Girl Sprouts down?

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  9. Surprised snag
    Sean Fox  8 months ago

    Coming from Australia to live in Canada still never had GSC, but certainly in this household Oreos have no need for an expiration date

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    SofaKing Premium Member 8 months ago

    Girl Scouts get a tiny percentage of the money from cookies. If you want to help, give cash. That’s what I do, I certainly don’t need the cookies.

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    g04922  8 months ago

    Correct… Girl Scout Cookies NEVER go out of date in our house.

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  12. Marvin the martian
    RPS11  8 months ago

    I don’t know my wife bought some, hid them, and now can’t find them. That’s her story and she is sticking to it.

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    Caldonia  8 months ago

    I would not eat that!

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    Zen-of-Zinfandel  8 months ago

    Plugger hibernates for months, wakes up and the cookies expired.

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    mistercatworks  8 months ago

    Does sugar expire?

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    pamela welch Premium Member 8 months ago

    LOLOL — Mine sure never lasted that long!

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  17. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  8 months ago

    I have a friend whose daughter is a Girl Scout and I usually am both the first order of the year for her, as well as the last one (since I always end up wanting more about a week before cookie season is scheduled to end).

    For me, a two-month expiration date would be too long.

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    mafastore  8 months ago

    I was a Girl Scout decades ago when in school. I also was fascinated with Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of GSA. While born in Savannah, GA she lived in England for awhile with her husband and met Sir Baden-Powell who had founded the Boy Scouts. While she was living in England she helped form chapters of “the Girl Guides” as they were then called. On her return to GA (by now separated from her husband) she formed a chapter of same in Savannah. The Girl Guides eventually were renamed The Girl Scouts and spread across the country. (I did some fact lookup online as it has been some decades since I last read the book “Juliette Gordon Low, Girl Scout” which was part of series of biographies for children and each one was titled with the person’s name followed “Boy” or “Girl” + what they were known so the “Girl” referred more to her being a girl involved in scouting than being a “Girl Scout”. )

    The Boys Scouts of America was generously funded by men (who controlled most of the money in the mid 1800s), but there was not much interest by them in funding the female equivalent. So to fund raise the girls started baking – yes – cookies and selling them. This eventually became bigger with a commercial bakery baking the cookies for the girls.

    When I was a member in the 1960s most of the sales were made by individual girls selling cookies to family, neighbors, and friends. In more recent years due to the increased dangers for children in general to go door to door ringing doorbells, the various troops setup sales events in shopping malls and such for the girls to mostly sell the cookies together. However girls still do sell them separately and some of them make rather large numbers of sales. And of course these days with the changes in women working they do get generous donations from former GSA members as well as other women and men.

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