Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 17, 2013
Dog: Woof woof woof! Poncho: Oh, great. A puppy. Dog: Woof woof woof! Poncho: Woof? No, it's not woof. It's "quack." Dog: Woof woof! Poncho: No, "quack." Quack quack Dog: Quack? Poncho: That's right. Quack! Dog: Quack! Poncho: Now you got it. Dog: Quack quack quack quack! Man: What the heck did your dog do to my dog??!
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Next, Poncho’ll be teaching another puppy to “oink”, “moo” or even “neigh.”
frumdebang almost 12 years ago
Poncho quacks me up.
TiffWHO almost 12 years ago
Since it’s a family strip he couldn’t tell him to “duck off” or could he?
twj0729 almost 12 years ago
What’s Poncho reading, Wall Street Journal?
Mickeylacey almost 12 years ago
that’s a Steve Martin routine….what if we taught babies the wrong words for objects ….here;s a banana chicken!!!!
mabrndt Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Same gag (but with different puppy, …) — over 2,100 strips later, I wonder if Mr. Gilligan remembered using it before.
Jspine almost 12 years ago
Classics never get old.
Kenneth Books Premium Member almost 12 years ago
First published Feb. 16, 2008.
bobdalebaker almost 12 years ago
I can’t remember my cell phone number sheesh
Kenneth Books Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I may have gotten the actual date wrong. It was in February 2008, though. Thank you for being a real horse’s ass.