Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for April 17, 2013
Droolia: I've got thpring fever! Where'th my thtud muffin?! Poncho: Droolia, calm down! You come on too strong! Poncho: There are plenty of subtler ways for you to indicate attraction to a male. Droolia: Like what? Poncho: Well, they say flirtatiously running your fingers through your hair is a good one. Poncho: I don't think lip hair counts.
knarfus almost 12 years ago
Somewhere……there must be a rottweiler or british bulldog equally drooling for her…………..somewhere…….
Bman73 almost 12 years ago
don’t all dogs have lip hair?
T_Lexi almost 12 years ago
oh. em. gee.
LingeeWhiz almost 12 years ago
Could Droolia be any more ………..overwhelming?
pierreandnicole almost 12 years ago
She puts ME off…poor little Poo Poo.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
When it comes to mating, it’s not the appearance the male is concerned with. If she has active pheremones, Poo Poo will be joining the queue.
Shrek4259 almost 12 years ago
@lingeewhiz LOL