Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for March 07, 2014
Poncho: Come on, Let's get out of here! Hudson: Wait! We forgot something! Poncho: We can't go back! Hudson: We have to go back! It's a matter of personal integrity! Hudson: If we don't go back, we'll never be able to live with ourselves! Poncho: Sigh… Okay. I guess you're right, Hudson.
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
Oh, were we thinking the cat? Of course the mailman (but not Poncho’s mailman)!
Hillbillyman almost 11 years ago
Poncho… your so vain!
juicebruce almost 11 years ago
Here we go again !
Laura Chapman almost 11 years ago
Cats helping dogs, dogs helping a mailman, where will it all end?
twj0729 almost 11 years ago
That mailman has been unconscious for quite a while. And what’s Poncho picking up?
bonita.eley almost 11 years ago
Ah…is the mailman dead in in a deep coma…?
StelBel almost 11 years ago
StelBel almost 11 years ago
January 31, 2014:
March 7, 2014
elapsed time in “dog time” = 36 daysactual elapsed time in “human time” = 1 hour
By my calculations, the mailman should be regaining consciousness any minute (or dog month) now……
Tedder13579 almost 11 years ago
Gettin’ da Hobo treasure!
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 11 years ago
Tbh I wasn’t even thinking of the cat or the “treasure”.
Emlyn Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Weekend at Bernie’s?
Perkycat almost 11 years ago
Finally – the mailman! And the hobo treasure too. We can only hope the cat ( who saved these two twice) survived okay – no thanks to these two.
dogday Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I don’t know about anyone else but what with the mailman, the hero cat and whatall, I’m exhausted. I wanna go HOME!
hamon almost 11 years ago
And there you have it: the two kinds of dogs.
Mine have always been far more selfish/Poncho-like than saintly Hudson-like.
Ladygeraldine almost 11 years ago
What about the cat’s broom?