Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 31, 2014
Poncho: Feeling any better? Carmen: Not really… Poncho: Hmm, yeah. You look awful. Maybe getting up would help? Carmen: Getting up? Poncho: Sure, a little walk will make you feel better. Maybe some fresh air. Carmen: I dunno, Poncho… I feel weak… Poncho: Come on, a quick stroll around the block will do you good. Just a quick poke outside. Poncho: Everything will be better once you take a walk, I swear. Carmen: Tell your dog to quit trying to put me out for the wolves!!
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
You’re sick, Poncho. No, not that the kind of sick Carmen is.
jonnijones over 10 years ago
Yikes! What a bad, bad dog.
LingeeWhiz over 10 years ago
Poncho, you are really not thinking. Carmen could be a powerful ally in your time of need.
ArfArf88 over 10 years ago
What place does Poncho live that has wolves?
Mickeylacey over 10 years ago
OMG Poncho that’s just terrible!!!! Hope she’s too sick to feed you today!!!!
SHAKENDOWN over 10 years ago
He’s just weeding out the sick, & properly culling the herd.
pcolli over 10 years ago
Poncho needs to have a word with his goth sister.
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
If Poncho and the lady share the same house, who is she calling on the phone?