Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for March 01, 2020

  1. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 5 years ago

    Let’s hear it, Poncho! A symphony of cat displacement? With several movements, of course!

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    I grew up with cats and my older brother was a trombonist from fifth or sixth to twelfth grades. So I doubt my brother never purposely tortured the cats with the slide during his at-home practicing.

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    Breadboard  almost 5 years ago

    10 points for Poncho for thinking outside of the box ! :-)

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Poncho just wants to horn in on their fun.

    He thinks it’s a blast.


    The cats think he’s got a lot of brass.

    On that note…. I’ll just tootle on now…

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    dwane.scoty1  almost 5 years ago

    Poncho, the real fun is opening the Spit Valve on ’em!!

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    ForrestOverin  almost 5 years ago

    Poncho’s holding the instrument incorrectly. I know, because (sigh) I’m a Recovering Trombone Player.

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    WCraft  almost 5 years ago

    Oh when the Saints…come marching in….

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Genius. Poncho gets to annoy the cats with both audio and physical activity at the same time. They may just cat-apault themselves to the moon just to get some peace. That or they can all sit on him and purr him into submission.

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