Our cartoonist slipped up and is showing her age. Do modern teenagers even know what pagers are other then seeing them in movies from the 80’s? Is pager service even available anywhere? (It isn’t where I live). A teenager wouldn’t carry one. Stealing Jeri’s cell phone and reading a text message woulda worked though….
Eric Sobocinski Premium Member over 16 years ago
Our cartoonist slipped up and is showing her age. Do modern teenagers even know what pagers are other then seeing them in movies from the 80’s? Is pager service even available anywhere? (It isn’t where I live). A teenager wouldn’t carry one. Stealing Jeri’s cell phone and reading a text message woulda worked though….
dania88 over 16 years ago
But isn’t the comic running as reprints now? It could still fit. :)
Eric Sobocinski Premium Member about 16 years ago
Nevermind, you’re right. This strip first ran in 2001, and that’s early enough for pagers. I’ll go slink back to my hole.