PreTeena by Allison Barrows for September 05, 2012

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    EMT  over 12 years ago

    Since when are science and belief in religion mutually exclusive? (It drives me nuts when people on either side think this way)

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    EMT  over 12 years ago

    That’s your opinion, I have faith that there is a God. I also believe in sciences (there is scientific evidence that a virgin can possibly give birth to a male child, for instance, but it is highly unlikely). I also believe in the theory of evolution, as do many other people I know of many faiths. I don’t believe that one has to tell people of other beliefs that they have to be wrong because there’s no true way to know who is right, and likely all of us are wrong in some way. And, for the record, I know just as many atheists who feel they have to convince everybody else that they’re own beliefs are wrong as I do people of different faiths.

    And, if you choose to be an atheist, well, that’s what makes sense to you, I just believe differently myself. Remember, the ones who make the news with their hatred and venom are the minority of any group.

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