Climate is weather over quite a long time. Shifting weather patterns can create some really bizarre weather, like 20C one day and 10 the next. Maybe you should ask Gordo to warm you up a bit :D
For the last few years, I’ve been waiting for our weather folk to get the 10-day forcast correct. I’m still waiting. Since climate is weather over a long time, I multiply that inability by the number of days and figure that even it it is changing, there is no chance in hades that the weather folk will get it right.
All part of the predictions that make it science. More water vapor means heavier snows at first. Many models including how much sea level rise if the Greenland ice goes into the waters and melts. And ice, land ice melting in other places. Globally fresh water sources are melting back threatening millions of people with death in India and Pakistan.90% of the glaciers have been melting back further and further. This is all known. It is out there all you have to do is look.
Animals and plants moving to colder climes North or South or up mountains has been seen. The torrid zone is expanding a few inches a year out ward.
Squirrelchaser about 6 years ago
Global warming disguises itself as weather …
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
Climate is weather over quite a long time. Shifting weather patterns can create some really bizarre weather, like 20C one day and 10 the next. Maybe you should ask Gordo to warm you up a bit :D
Qiset about 6 years ago
For the last few years, I’ve been waiting for our weather folk to get the 10-day forcast correct. I’m still waiting. Since climate is weather over a long time, I multiply that inability by the number of days and figure that even it it is changing, there is no chance in hades that the weather folk will get it right.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Go figure…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
All part of the predictions that make it science. More water vapor means heavier snows at first. Many models including how much sea level rise if the Greenland ice goes into the waters and melts. And ice, land ice melting in other places. Globally fresh water sources are melting back threatening millions of people with death in India and Pakistan.90% of the glaciers have been melting back further and further. This is all known. It is out there all you have to do is look.
Animals and plants moving to colder climes North or South or up mountains has been seen. The torrid zone is expanding a few inches a year out ward.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Better read it. Better to know than not know.
oakie817 about 6 years ago
Asrial about 6 years ago
I have a feeling they’ll weather it.