Bad move. Jeri will keep ‘borrowing’ as long as you give it to her. Try charging her a borrowing fee. You will be lucky to get the original money back plus the fee, but it might work.
why do you give her then!? o_O
Loan it to her once. Then if she doesn’t repay, tell her you need her to repay the first loan before she can get another. Cheap investment.
Tina needs to have her sign a loan agreement, with interest, and have her mom or dad witness it.
stairsteppublishing over 2 years ago
Bad move. Jeri will keep ‘borrowing’ as long as you give it to her. Try charging her a borrowing fee. You will be lucky to get the original money back plus the fee, but it might work.
seanfear over 2 years ago
why do you give her then!? o_O
Qiset over 2 years ago
Loan it to her once. Then if she doesn’t repay, tell her you need her to repay the first loan before she can get another. Cheap investment.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Tina needs to have her sign a loan agreement, with interest, and have her mom or dad witness it.