Prickly City by Scott Stantis for April 16, 2014

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    echoraven  almost 11 years ago

    sports arena… here comes the money just flowing in.

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  2. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 11 years ago

    Uh, I thought this was supposed to be a liberal bashing strip. Lookee there, somehow all the municipalities got in line to build the Texas Rangers a brand new stadium in the DFW Metroplex, in the same Metro area as the Bush 43 Presidential Library. SMU had some of the prettiest and friendliest young ladies in the 1970s, but there wasn’t much reason to put the library there, as opposed to several other locations. Okay, Laura went to school there. See, 43 did know quite a bit about sports.

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  3. Formal cat
    JusSayin  almost 11 years ago

    Is there a Bush library and a sports venue both connected to 43 in Atlanta? There is in DFW, and it looks more and more that is why 43 was given an ownership share in the Texas Rangers shortly after his dad was elected President, and owned a share of the Rangers until public sentiment turned against him in Texas, when, as governor, he leaned on all those municipalities to buy his team a stadium, until a pending investigation caused him to sell his shares back to his friends at a huge profit.So yeah, knowing Texas politics, and politics in general, I can see a connection, and at one time several people were trying to sell me a book about the scandal. It’s Texas, of course the politicians are crooked, and sports arenas get built for the politically connected in the USA. The Rangers got theirs’.

    And Bush paid off an old debt to his friends who gave him a heavily discounted price on a sports team, because his Daddy was President, and he might be able to get them a free stadium.

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