We could definitely use MLK and also George Washington, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight David Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan right now. What a shame that the GOP went from being the party of Lincoln and King (as well as Reagan) to the party of white supremacy while the Democrats went from being the party of white supremacy (which they used to be until the civil rights era, look it up) to being the party of (and I, a conservative, still hate to say this, but I must acknowledge it as the uncomfortable truth) not taking bribes from Vladimir Putin, if anything. The Democrats should use this opportunity to recognize that America should be governed from the center and nominate someone like Evan McMullin (duh) as their candidate for president because the GOP is dead, but it will probably be years and I’ll probably be dead before change that really matters in society that actually forces the populists of both extremes to come together and learn to live in harmony and peace and also get along with each other can ever take place. Good strip, though.
If MLK were to return and preach as he did, he would be killed by another James Earl Ray, only this time, Trump Disciples would be out in force claiming that Ray was not a racist and only did it to prevent a race war — or something.
Its not up to Dr. King, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, or anyone else. It is up to us, it is always been up to us. In times past when there was a mess some folks stepped up to help fix it. This is our mess, we need to step up.
Yes. It would be interesting to hear your explanation on your adultery, your family’s bank account, your staff’s ties to communist groups, why you considered American troops in Vietnam to be no different than Nazi concentration camp guards, your plagiarism of your Ph.D. and speeches, ect, ect.
Yes. It would be interesting to hear your explanation on your adultery, your family’s bank account, your staff’s ties to communist groups, why you considered American troops in Vietnam to be no different than Nazi concentration camp guards, your plagiarism of your Ph.D. and speeches, ect, ect.
railwayman001 about 7 years ago
We could definitely use MLK and also George Washington, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight David Eisenhower, and Ronald Reagan right now. What a shame that the GOP went from being the party of Lincoln and King (as well as Reagan) to the party of white supremacy while the Democrats went from being the party of white supremacy (which they used to be until the civil rights era, look it up) to being the party of (and I, a conservative, still hate to say this, but I must acknowledge it as the uncomfortable truth) not taking bribes from Vladimir Putin, if anything. The Democrats should use this opportunity to recognize that America should be governed from the center and nominate someone like Evan McMullin (duh) as their candidate for president because the GOP is dead, but it will probably be years and I’ll probably be dead before change that really matters in society that actually forces the populists of both extremes to come together and learn to live in harmony and peace and also get along with each other can ever take place. Good strip, though.
braindead Premium Member about 7 years ago
If MLK were to return and preach as he did, he would be killed by another James Earl Ray, only this time, Trump Disciples would be out in force claiming that Ray was not a racist and only did it to prevent a race war — or something.
You know, good people on both sides.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 7 years ago
I am saddened that I “Liked” your statement because of the truth you state that we always kill our prophets.
realexander about 7 years ago
I’ve always thought that monument looked like he was frozen in carbonite.
45Nasrad about 7 years ago
If MLK were around today, he would be ostracized by the left because of his womanizing ways
Bruce1253 about 7 years ago
Its not up to Dr. King, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, or anyone else. It is up to us, it is always been up to us. In times past when there was a mess some folks stepped up to help fix it. This is our mess, we need to step up.
nosirrom about 7 years ago
If Dr. King were alive today, he’d be taking a knee, too.
MichaelSkaggs about 7 years ago
Yes. It would be interesting to hear your explanation on your adultery, your family’s bank account, your staff’s ties to communist groups, why you considered American troops in Vietnam to be no different than Nazi concentration camp guards, your plagiarism of your Ph.D. and speeches, ect, ect.
MichaelSkaggs about 7 years ago
Yes. It would be interesting to hear your explanation on your adultery, your family’s bank account, your staff’s ties to communist groups, why you considered American troops in Vietnam to be no different than Nazi concentration camp guards, your plagiarism of your Ph.D. and speeches, ect, ect.
mggreen about 7 years ago
We could, so definitely! What a great man.