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paul.raulerson Premium

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  1. about 14 years ago on Tony Auth

    It’s every generations dream to build a better world, and as far as I can see, the world is in general, a. Better place today than it was 50 years ago. In general, obviously there are exceptions.

    As for spending trillions of dollars to do so, sure, that is probably a great idea. Quetion is, will bankrupting our economy with rather ineffective carbon taxes do the trick?

    I’d really like some more proof of that - I know how primitive our climate models are, and until someone comes up with a model that can accurately predict say, the last 10 years of planetary climate ( for which we do have records), I don’t really think the extreme examples produced by some models are worth the money. Spend the cash producing those models, and by all means, get the country energy independent.

    Remember, there is plenty of evidence that ice ages come upon the planet quickly- there has to be a tremendous energy source to get all that water evaporated and up in the air so it can fall as snow. Global warming certaintly could be a mechanism that triggers that.

    We simply do not know, and we should spend resources and treasure finding out the facts, then spend money doing things in a more controlled manner.

    Off the cuff global engineering is as likely to cause a disaster as to prevent one.

    In my opinion of course, YMMV.

  2. about 14 years ago on Tony Auth

    Great heavens, are you folks really that polarized? Except for a (very) few nuts, nobody denies there is climate change going on - just that there are a lot of quetions about what is causing it. The planet has been a lot colder and a lot warmer than it is today, why not spend those trillions of dollars- most of which are coming straight out of our pockets in the form of taxes and artificially highr prices -to really understand why?

    If you are old enough to remember the 70’s, you might remember a similar panic about the next ice age, and nuclear winter.

    The comic makes a great point, and as a bonus, is funny too. However, it is not the place to get your facts from. Great wy to pique interest though!

  3. about 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Annie’s condition? I thought she ws doing fine!

    More complications. I wonder how much stock in Metromart Annie owns?

  4. about 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    It looks pretty hopeless for our daft heros right now…

  5. about 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    JF has a rather unique vision of hte world sometimes, and is probably trying to increase the suspense. And yes, the secret formula was found by two of Lila’s arch nemesis’ from her days at MetroMart.

    I expect a twist to appear soon, perhaps involving Annie even.

    Lila is still a young comic, and it can be a little unsettling at times, but it is almost always worth reading. The characters are evolving, which in itself is very unusual in a comic strip.

    Sort of like For Better Or For Worse before Lynn retired. I read that strip for about 30 years, and enjoyed watching the characters grow and develop. Lila is not quite the same of course, but has the same kind of potentional..

    Yep, that is a compliment John.

  6. over 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    LOL! Annie is an unusal child to say the least. Innocence and card shark, all rolled into one. :)

    And Lila being the responsible one? Well sort of?

    This would make Mrs Grundy spin about and try to bite herself in the small of the back!

    Good job!

  7. over 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Can you say “setup?”

    I’m gonna bet Harrison hired Lila in part to setup Metromart..

  8. over 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    John- just a comment and this is just my opinion. You have made us care about the characters. While everyone is a jerk sometime, the persistant ‘Lila is an unfit mother’ theme is not coming off very funny to me. In today’s strip for instance, no new mother would ever forget about thier kiddo. Except the kind that does horrible and unspeakable things to their kids.

    Please consider that while you are writing the strips. If you consistantly keep getting us to like the characters, and then have them do or say something that makes them essentially unlikable, you are going to loose audience.

  9. over 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    It happens-small soul. :)

    This time Alexandra and Brittany have one little problem to deal with they can’t possible overcome! Justice, like revenge, is best served cold, and I expect Annie won’t even break a sweat putting those two on ice.

  10. over 14 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Gads! This is really bittersweet comedy, and would make for a great sitcom.. :)