I have a Brother too, like many have posted. It self-cleans, which uses ink, but keeps it from clogging. It worked well, until I was trying to print a bunch of papers on a deadline last year; then it wouldn’t stay connected (I was printing from my iPad so had to do it via Wi-Fi). I actually bought a new one, but ended up taking it back after discovering that Brothers are notorious for having connection issues with Arris modem/routers! It still sometimes can’t be found, but usually after I restart it, it connects.
Here in Louisville it’s supposed to be around 40 today; we’ll see. Had to cancel church again today, as melted snow from yesterday meant black ice on the streets this morning. I did get out last Tuesday, and will go out again in the next couple of days. Unfortunately it’s a trial trying to walk my chihuahua mix! Management closed all but one door to the building due to the potential for falling ice and snow (though I suspect a large part was they didn’t want to clear the walks); but walking a dog in this weather necessitates going out one door, doing “business,” going back in and walking to another door, back out briefly for more “business…” With one door to use, he just steps out, “goes,” steps back in, and kind of stands around a while before going back out for another “go.” I’m just glad things are thawing! Hope we can get a real walk in soon.
It would certainly put me to sleep! My ex spent a while trying to convince me it WASN’T boring, by telling me all about the players involved. That just brought boring to a whole new level for me.
Substitute gold “athletic” shoes … in addition to all of the above.