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Recent Comments

  1. about 19 hours ago on Red and Rover

    Such a sweet storyline! I think this is my favorite ever.

    Though, I’m still wondering how he got in the middle of the clover patch without getting stung in the first place …

  2. 9 days ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    So — a typical teenager, then (despite being much older chronologically).

  3. 10 days ago on Jane's World

    So — Paige if you read this, please add hair to Dorothy in panel 4, and change the “you’re” in the first panel to “your.” BTW I do really enjoy this comic! Please don’t think the nitpickyness means otherwise.

  4. 10 days ago on Jane's World

    So she speaks in the wrong homonym? How could anyone tell?

  5. 10 days ago on Frazz

    It wasn’t a thing when I was in school in the 70s and 80s, either. I think it’s a more recent trend. It’s hard to imagine how effective it is, though, since kids change schools a lot — and, except in the comics, they don’t have the same teacher year to year.

  6. 11 days ago on Jane's World

    “Your” shift, not “you’re” shift … just saying. You can’t blame autocorrect in a comic ;)

  7. 12 days ago on Citizen Dog

    It’s kind of like people saying, “you don’t like grits? Have you tried cheese grits? You’ll like those for sure!” Yes, I have; no I don’t. It’s a texture thing for me.

  8. 12 days ago on Citizen Dog

    To each their own! I didn’t know there was a kind other than chocolate cookie, except the fish-shaped ones at the Asian grocery (which I’ll occasionally eat, if they have the green tea ice cream with red bean paste ones, and are out of the other things I like). But to me, they’re all mushy cookie — so, icky.

  9. 15 days ago on Citizen Dog

    Never did like those — fudgsickle instead please.

  10. 15 days ago on FurBabies

    That second line doesn’t quite scan … it IS adorable, though!