Graceeyepatch large

Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) Creator

This avatar image is of a once (frequently) recurring "Frog Applause" character known as "Grace the Face." Some readers wondered if this is a likeness of me. Nope. Sorry, if I disappointed anyone. Oh, and... Grace doesn't generally wear this eye patch. She's just trying to be fashionably lame for her appearance here. ♥

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Nancy

    Glad you like Miss Ninette from “Frog Applause” as your user icon. It’s been a while since she’s appeared in any new comics, though. She can be found in the archive, however.

  2. 2 days ago on Wannabe

    Hey, Wannabe fans… do you wanna see Luca? I posted a spanking new photo of him (in two glorious poses) on Frog Blog a couple of days ago. Since we can no longer post links here, try going to my “Frog Applause” GoComics page and click “Frog Blog” at the bottom. Luca should show up first.

    Option 2: Thanks to Blue Iris for some up-to-date tips on posting links:

    Our usual work arounds are to, first, remove the http part and capitalize the Com. After that, we add spaces as needed (remove spaces in the following):

    lamefrogapplause.blogspot.Com/ 2024/ 06/ luca- debus- and- his- gocreator- pin. html

  3. 5 days ago on Wannabe

    Hey, Wannabe fans… do you wanna see Luca? I just posted a spanking new photo of him (in two glorious poses) on Frog Blog. Since we can no longer post links here, go to my “Frog Applause” GoComics page and click “Frog Blog” at the bottom. Luca should show up first. I will try to post the link here but it might not be of much use.

    Thanks to Blue Iris for some up-to-date tips on posting links:

    Our usual work arounds are to, first, remove the http part and capitalize the Com. After that, we add spaces as needed (remove spaces in the following):

    lamefrogapplause.blogspot.Com/ 2024/ 06/ luca- debus- and- his- gocreator- pin. html

  4. 6 days ago on Wannabe

    Just as I suspected. The link is truncated. All the good stuff at the end is missing! Sorry to send everyone on a wild goose chase to my lame blog. I’m not fishing for clicks, I just want to show off my friend Luca’s nice smile and GoCreator pin.

  5. 6 days ago on Wannabe

    Hey, Wannabe fans… do you wanna see Luca. I just posted a spanking new photo of him (in two glorious poses) on Frog Blog. Since we can no longer post links here, go to my “Frog Applause” GoComics page and click “Frog Blog” at the bottom. Luca should show up first. I will try to post the link here but it might not be of much use. lamefrogapplause.blogspot dot com /2024/06/

  6. 11 days ago on Frog Applause

    Ha! It’s hard to make me smile, Chris. Thanks.

  7. 11 days ago on Frog Applause

    OMG. Create a fill-in-the-blank where “celery flakes” appears and you just wrote a FA that I would be proud to call my own. Love this setup. Definitely going into the FA file.

  8. 12 days ago on Life on Earth

    Expect stowaways…

  9. 12 days ago on Too Much Coffee Man

    He considereth…

  10. 12 days ago on WaynoVision
