When I was about 4 the neighbors had a beautiful Chow. When the kids saw me with him, nobody dared tease me…they all ran the other way. I was the only kid on the street that could play with him or walk him on a leash. And he had already bitten another child (when he was a guard dog at a nearby paint shop) but was given a reprieve if the neighbors took him and kept him in a pen. Today there would be no reprieve.
I was chosen to serve on a jury where that was exactly what happened…I said I couldn’t be non-partial because the dog was put down for doing what he was trained to do…attack someone trying to break into his home.
When I was in 6th grade, we iced the slide and the ground where we landed…we got in trouble because it was fine for us but not so much for the little 1st graders. But it was so much fun to fly down the slide and then half way across the playground.
I would be like Cathy only I would just go out and get some more blue folders. Putting the “blue” stuff in “yellow” folders could be really confusing in 6 months when you forget that you did it.
Some of us are.