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  1. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Bless you, GT. For the reminder.

  2. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    We do have one, PS. You’re just a bit too blinded by your partisanship to see Obama as he really is……. But then partisanship has become a blood sport in this country… both sides. I believe we are in a state of cold civil war, both culturally and politically. I hope it doesn’t turn hot anytime soon… or at least til I can move to state bluer than KY.

  3. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    opps… that would be Bush 43. The irony is that I’ve been able to recite the Presidents in order and the years they served since the 2nd grade….. George W. Bush fully elected POTUS in 2004 and served legitimately 2005-2009. We do have a tendency to try to forget our worst nightmares.

  4. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    I believe that Obama isn’t eligible to be President…. I believe that Obamacare will euthanize the elderly and the disabled…. I believe that Obama is the source of all of our economic ills… I believe that Sotomayer will vote to rescind the Bill of Rights…. I believe that Bush 42 should be added to Mt. Rushmore…. I believe all of this because I am a proud, flag waving Republican and a Great American!…. and you’re not!!!!

  5. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Wow! There ARE real life birthers here. You people really need to shift your focus and debate on facts which are true. When wingnuts latch on to “issues” such as fake birth certificates and euthanizing senior citizens they only marginalize the “conservative” movement even further. The Republic party is rapidly becoming the final refuge of southern white men and their fellow travelers. You can’t win elections in a country with an electorate which is becoming increasingly diverse by tailoring your message to appeal to a shrinking base.

    I just finished reading an article about the Republic party infighting in the Texas governor race. It seems that far right conservatives supporting Gov. Perry are attacking the more moderate Sen. Kay Bailey-Hutchinson. They are calling for her to leave the race because she is not a “true” Republican. Can you say, “I’m melting.”

    To the Heinz 57 people. How can you use words like “ignorant” to describe Obama after supporting our very anti-intellectual last president? Even Darth Cheney is writing a book in which he calls Bush “soft.”

  6. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Give it up AK! Even some of the most of the illogical wingnuts have come to understand that Obama was including US territories and possessions (we have lots of them). I assume you must be on the far right of the wingnut scale with your buddies Limbaugh, Beck, Dobbs, Palin, etc. I think I’ll report you to the Obama “Death Panel” for evaluation…. S