I would never tell a pro like Mark Parisi how to draw a comic, something I’m totally unable to do myself. But: when I saw this, my first thought was, “That should be a riff on the disloyal boyfriend meme.”
OK, why would she bother calling and distracting Tracy to let him know that later, she will actually tell him something? That’s a very weird narrative device. Why not just cut to the station and her explaining?
I’m quite a bit older than Stephan Pastis, and I immediately thought, “Tape?” Books on tape haven’t been a thing for what, a couple of decades? I’m sure someone still has a cassette player for their books, but in the USA it can’t be many.
I would never tell a pro like Mark Parisi how to draw a comic, something I’m totally unable to do myself. But: when I saw this, my first thought was, “That should be a riff on the disloyal boyfriend meme.”