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Seriously speaking, I think that was revealed in a previous arc.
Um…to keep his neck warm?
Listen for yourself:
I like the way Bernice said taking care of the kids was complicated also since Luann did all the work.
My takeaway from that is that she didn’t say that she, herself, did the looking after, only that it “was complicated”.
Bernice’s response to Piro’s “It’s complicated” was “So is watching your six sibs!”
She never said that she was the one who watched them.
I think he owes her a “thank you for helping out” (actually owed to Luann, but he may not be aware the Bernice shrugged off doing him a favor).
In last Thursday’s strip, Piro was thanking Bernice for watching the children, but she corrected him, saying it was Luann who deserved the credit.
Maybe they wouldn’t fit you? O<[|;o)
True.. though I can’t think of The Village People and not hear.. ♫ Y M C A… ♫ LOL
Or this:
Be sure to tuna in to “life is fishy”. Can you guess what I had for dinner?
Chicken? O<[|;o)
Spock may be hungry…!
Seriously speaking, I think that was revealed in a previous arc.