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soupygeorge Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Kid Beowulf

    I love a good fourth wall break.

  2. over 4 years ago on Magic in a Minute

    Only now do I notice the solution is in small print on the right of the cartoon…

  3. almost 5 years ago on Scary Gary

    The funny thing is, Gary gets chased regularly by angry mobs but Leo never does.

  4. almost 5 years ago on Buni

    “First you get the toilet rolls. Then you get the power. Then you get the women.”

  5. almost 5 years ago on Bad Machinery

    This was my favourite strip on GoComics. Thanks for the last few years, Mr A.

  6. about 5 years ago on Bewley

    Schrodinger’s frisbee.

  7. about 5 years ago on Buni

    Never mind, Buni, it’s only once a year.

  8. over 5 years ago on Bad Machinery

    “Only as evil as we need to be” is basically Google’s new motto.

  9. over 5 years ago on Magic in a Minute

    I remember this trick was in a magic set I received one Christmas back in the Seventies.

  10. over 5 years ago on Bewley

    It’ll happen to you too, kids.