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Remember the old Z commercial – It’s awesome.
Ouch! Kudos.
The Hobbit is an easy read; LOTR on the other had is a real slog … a much longer slog than Moby Dick (which should be titled “everything you don’t want to know about whales”
How else would any Charles Dickens novel get read? This is what you get when you get paid by the word.
Yep … that’s the way I’ve always heard it said best.
And those that can’t teach, teach teachers.
I’ve got a great idea for a weapon – let’s put a tank up on 4 stilts! Riiiight.
Salt pools (at least the one I have) generates free chlorine chemically. One doesn’t add chlorine, the system produces it.
Pound puppies rule!!!! Adopt and better two lives (its and your own).
Official programs???? And you expect this to be run by whom and paid for by whom?
Remember the old Z commercial – It’s awesome.