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  1. about 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Hmmm, perhaps the African American Lyndon Johnson might do, socially sorta progressive, regressive in foreign affairs - like war…Keep fighting the good fight Ted!!!

  2. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    audie, you got it right about 2000 and the Shrub anointment by the evil Rehnquist - I know, one should only speak good of the dead, he’s dead, Good! If those of us, the popular vote majority, had taken to the streets then there would have been mass slaughter, egged on by those entertainers on Faux and that fat drug addict who I am now calling the Barbra Streisand of the right wing, not that she is either fat or a drug addict, but I know that that is the name that will most rankle the unintelligentsia. and all he is is an entertainer. The electoral process in this country is broken, all we can do is watch in wonder as other countries try to do what we can’t.

  3. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    Why are we forgiving crimes? As was said by the Ethicist on Maher the other nite,(paraphrased), if I killed someone 10 minutes ago but I wouldn’t do it now, does that make it OK? We cannot excuse crimes, unless JoBama needs these precedents as excuses to continue in the Shrubs shadow as he has done so far.

  4. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    It’s not anti-media, it’s anti any kind of accountability, be it ‘those’ judges, or ‘those’ lawyers, or ‘those’ elected officials who do not kowtow to her, i.e. GOP, beliefs. As I said before, she is not a candidate, she is a marketing decision, hatched a while back and sprung by the advertising execs who run the Republican Party as a leisure service of Big Oil.

  5. about 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    Palin is a not a candidate. She is a marketing decision same as McCain. Rove picked her as they are both quite beholden to the status quo, i.e. oil. Watch how the establishment media creates the mystique surrounding her, her ‘first dude’ husband - talk about the regular guy - and her all over the demographic children. C’mon, from a teenage pregger to a Down’s syndrome infant? Who says that she was not vetted! She was created especially for this role. There aren’t any B movie female actresses available for the role, so why not a former beauty queen. ‘Drop Dead Gorgeous’ indeed!!!!

  6. about 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    Obama, not Hillary, is who Rove promised McCain back in 2004 that he would run against so he would win. Otherwise McCain would have thrown his support against the war and torture. As usual we have a choice between nothing and less than nothing. I hope I’m wrong but if you think Obama is going to win you are a fool. This was Hillary’s turn to be president, 1st woman, with Obama, 1st African-Am., to follow her in 2016. Now the Republicans have got exactly what they want. Ted is right on with this as always!