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- over 4 years ago on Rob Rogers
over 4 years ago
on Jeff Danziger
His actions and comments enable and promote violence. He is a domestic terrorist.
almost 5 years ago
on Matt Wuerker
In fairness, Sen. Feinstein was not present at the Intelligence meeting the others were privy to and her finances are in a blind trust, unlike Burr and Loeffler ( and Trump )
almost 5 years ago
on Dana Summers
No, this is what our system is doing today. Democratic Socialism would have preparedness, rationing of supplies , etc in case of an emergency. We practiced Democratic Socialism during WW II and it worked out for us !!!
almost 5 years ago
on Gary Markstein
Is that Rudy Giuliani and his Ukrainian gangster friends ?
almost 5 years ago
on Mike Lester
A single payer system, Medicare for all, expanding the Affordable Care Act are all about more affordable ACCESS to care for ALL, not eliminating private ( for profit or non profit ) Hospitals, clinics, Doctors and Nurses. In a time of an Emergency we still need COMPETENT , science and fact based leadership from the Gov’t, preparedness, people put in leadership positions who are experts, not Trump yes men and women. We have none of this currently.
almost 5 years ago
on Lisa Benson
Ms. Benson, What , no comment on the incompetence of your boy Trump in dealing with the crisis ?
almost 6 years ago
on Steve Breen
Please don’t use Baldwin and Morrison in a cartoon with Smollett. Very disrespectful
almost 6 years ago
on Tom Stiglich
I don’t hate him. I hate what he stands for. I hate his ignorance. I hate his destruction of our Democracy. I hate his probable treasonous acts with Putnin. I hate his support of extremists , racists, Nazis, etc. I hate his lack of concern for access to health care, to his support of policies that are further destroying our climate, to his instability in regard to our Allies, to foreign policy, to his putting our troops at further risk. I hate the despicable things he did as a supposed businessman. I hate his disdain for truth, for facts , for data, for science. Ifeel sorry for him, but more for the rest of us, for his lack of character, honesty and backbone.
almost 6 years ago
on Lisa Benson
He is likely a traitor in his dealings with Russia.
Would anyone really trust Donald with a scissor ? He’d probably run with it to pander to his fringe supporters