I understand that the lead times for comics are measured in weeks, but with the horrors of what just happened in Pittsburgh, somehow the story of a socially inept bachelor like Ted just doesn’t seem funny…
If you think the postal system here is bad, take a look at how “efficiently” the mail is delievered in some other countries. Italy and Mexico come to mind…in Rome it’s generally acknowledged that if you want to be certain that a letter or package will reach the U.S., be sure to mail it from the Vatican City post office, as it’s outside of the Italian postal system.
Back to the current strip: It reminds me of my thoughts when I am at the supermarket, and the irony of seeing morbidly obese people using the electric scooters provided for the disabled.
Would at least some of these folks not need these scooters if they walked just a little bit more?
Go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=2078 and scroll over the symbols for an explanation. The circles indicate the temperature in degrees Celsius, and the circles with arrows indicate wind direction and speed (usually in miles per hour…for some reason, the BBC doesn’t use kmh for speed).
pibfan868, I know that these are old strips…what I’m saying is that the timing of this particular strip’s reappearance is sadly ironic.