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  1. almost 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    To Obama is Da Man: Actually Obama is NOT for Universal healthcare. You want universal health care, vote Nader. (Obama is obviously the better choice compared to McCain, however).

  2. almost 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Yeah… the ladder should be much shorter.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Stewie, as usual, you make no sense. The Abu Gharib scandal is actually a HUGE issue, hence the coverage. In Iraq, everyone knew it was happening and it helped to cause more anti-American sentiment. The NYTs covering it only informed moron Americans who were kept in the dark by the conservative media. But sometimes stories break free of their own weight and make it to the public. YOUR buddy Bush won’t even allow the press to cover soldier’s funerals, even when the family wants them to. You are so blind it’s sad.

  4. almost 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    There is more than enough evidence that the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen and/or tampered with enough to alter the outcome (in favor of republicans). A good article by Robert Kennedy Jr:

  5. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Satan- the Weekly Standard is a neoconservative opinion magazine. You believe that? THAT’S biased. They have an agenda, which is to pretend the media is liberal. You’re telling me that you think the reporting that goes on is all slanted towards the left? YOU are the delusional one then since that’s clearly not the case. As I said, most on air talent, virtually all pundits, all owners, all producers are conservative, not liberal. This is factual information. There is NO left leaning bias in our news. You are believing a lie that is very easy to see through.

  6. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Great Satan; the mainstream media is owned by about 6 companies that all lean very right and whose advertisers are very right-leaning (corporate profit is what matters, not truth or controversy). The radio is dominated by conservative talk. Hardcore conservative talk. The pundits on TV “news” are always conservative and middle/conservative. HOLLYWOOD may be more liberal, which is where this myth started- calling the entire media liberal when only perhaps some Hollywood celebs were liberal (it was Nixon’s great contribution to the republican party- smear truth-telling reporters as biased, then smear all investigative journalism as biased). Some reporters may be left leaning however this never surfaces in their reporting. Even so, ALL media (newspaper, radio, TV) leans right. You clowns have an entire network that’s overtly right-leaning, and virtually all radio. Study after study shows what is shown on mainstream news is biased in favor of conservatives. Liberals have no voice in the mainstream media. PBS has Bill Moyers and Now. MSNBC now has Rachel Maddow (a miracle after they fire Donohue and demoted Olberman). That’s it as far as progressive voices go in the mainstream media. So stop lying. And start thinking.

  7. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    And the few jokes made by the likes of the Daily Show or whoever don’t even come close to the decades of sexist action and policy mostly by the republicans. And lets not forget McCain’s gorilla rape joke, nor his record nor Palin’s record. You want liars and criminals and hypocrites, vote republican.

  8. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Dems ARE attacking her policies and her record and her lack of experience. Not her family and not her gender, as is being repeated by the mainstream media (coincidentally controlled and dominated by right wingers).

  9. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Well, if we don’t have our economy anymore, there is still the environment, our personal rights (much eroded by Bush), etc. So McCain/Palin will still have plenty to ruin.

  10. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies


    I explained why I mentioned Jesus. Fathom it. It’s relevant. Move on.

    Again, Clinton was very conservative. He was NOT left of center at all. A quick look at his governing while in office can tell you that much. YOU brought up Clinton as an example of the left, or something opposite conservatives when I said CONSERVATIVE policy leads us to drop bombs on people. Clinton is NOT an example of the left. Clinton was Conservative!

    Conservative policy is VERY destructive. When you support republican candidates, you support this conservative policy. You can’t name many conservatives who have opposed the Bush/Cheney/neo-con regime. And you cannot tell me that the right-wing media didn’t support it either. So, if we’re going by sheer numbers, the right supports conservative policy.

    I was responding to your response to me. You clearly could not respond to my points. Therefor you fell back on “blame Clinton” (or let’s include Clinton) as if that is somehow relevant in any way to what we’re discussing (which it isn’t). You were trying to say the “left” is equally guilty. We’ve not had any “left” elected officials in office in some time. So- You still cannot back up your points. Your arguments are not logical. You fell back on the “balme Clinton” argument, which is totally illogical.

    If crossing the border to obtain medical care after we’ve helped ruin their economy is abuse then what was us ruining their economy? That wasn’t abuse? Now denying them help while they deal with the aftermath is acceptable to you? Do you have ANY education in Latin American affairs? Do you have any idea how much the US has interfered and helped to destabilize all Latin American countries? Stop supporting that policy and then you won’t have to deal with the Latinos conservatives object to so much coming here for needed health care. Is it that difficult to comprehend? Again, to deny people healthcare, whose economy you helped ruin (“you” as in your country and the policy conservatives support by voting conservative), is barbaric and cruel.

    I never said there was a conservative party. Conservatives generally support republicans, however.

    I already explained why its cruel to deny people healthcare. And why it’s asinine to think we aren’t responsible for the plight of many Latin Americans. But if you don’t get why it’s cruel to deny people healthcare, then that explains why you’re conservative.

    Bob, I’m not insulting you. I’m stating fact.