Agree in general w/Max and Blitz, the strip not funny or poignant anymore. Being a woman, I was a bit more tuned in to the stereotypical old-fashioned woman roles illustrated in the strip since it started over the male roles, but now I notice both and I get that little ‘twinge” when I read it. I sense an undercurrent of hostility from Lynne re: relating to her historical circumstances, but I feel that it undermines the potential of the strip.
Some things are best left in the past, and this also learned from my own personal experiences, hostility over others’ behavior is one of them, and apparently now old comics are too.
I’m sorry… I just don’t like FBOFW anymore. I didn’t comment in the early transition because I wanted to give it a good college try. And it’s not even the artwork, I’ve sort of come to accept its’ simplicity– but the humor isn’t good anymore– not even poignant. It’s just tired. And it makes me sad! I miss it…
I think Harrell is much improved! The weekly themed strips were getting old. This is a breath of fresh air and some reminiscence since Big Top is no longer new.
I wouldn’t say that I actually live like this… oh, but I’ve had these thoughts.
Cathy is what is in our heads, but never actually comes out of our mouths or becomes our actions.
Agree in general w/Max and Blitz, the strip not funny or poignant anymore. Being a woman, I was a bit more tuned in to the stereotypical old-fashioned woman roles illustrated in the strip since it started over the male roles, but now I notice both and I get that little ‘twinge” when I read it. I sense an undercurrent of hostility from Lynne re: relating to her historical circumstances, but I feel that it undermines the potential of the strip. Some things are best left in the past, and this also learned from my own personal experiences, hostility over others’ behavior is one of them, and apparently now old comics are too.