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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 years ago on Overboard

    The mice are finally good for something! They distract the Green Pirates so our guys can leave/win/whatever they do

  2. about 16 years ago on Overboard

    Brenz: Sorry about Jake. It’s never easy.

    NoFearPup: You’d hate winter, too, if you had to spend it on an un-insulated pirate ship infested with mice. :)

  3. about 16 years ago on Overboard


    Now who’s full of himself? You’re more sophisticated than we are just because we don’t complain (as much as you do) about the mice?

    “and I have never told any of you to shut up or stop commenting when I disagree”

    I agree–you did not use THOSE words, but you basically called all of us fascists and Nazis a few days back when we had this conversation.

  4. over 16 years ago on Overboard

    But where are Louie and Raymond? Isn’t that why you would have a dog on a ship–to make sure the Green Pirates don’t keep sneaking on board over and over again?

  5. over 16 years ago on Overboard


    I have to respecfully disagree with your comment “this is what I mean about respecting one another’s opinions. You don’t get to decide to tell anyone to move on. This is America, not National Socialist Germany!”

    It is our opinion that you move on to another topic. We can state that opinion just as much, and as loudly, as you state your opinion about the mice. We can tell you to move on, just as you can tell us to shove it. As you say, we ALL have the right so say anything we would like (as I stated before, just because we have the right, doesn’t mean we have the requirement).

  6. over 16 years ago on Overboard

    Okay, well, I’m a girl and I like pirates. I liked Pirates of the Caribbean (I… II was okay, III didn’t see). I’ve been reading OB for over seven years.

  7. over 16 years ago on Overboard


    Just because you CAN express an opinion over and over and over and over again, doesn’t necessarily mean you SHOULD. We got your point – you want something new – five months ago.

    And really, what makes you think I’m a “Mr”? Girls can’t like pirates?

  8. over 16 years ago on Overboard

    Brenzluv, it is a COMIC strip! Every comic strip, no matter what the genre, is “more of the same”. It’s not a blog, it’s not an opinion piece, it’s some cute drawings to make us laugh.

    If you are so fed up, why don’t you just stop reading Overboard and let the rest of us enjoy our daily chuckle?

  9. over 16 years ago on Overboard

    I’ve been reading for nearly six years now… it’s still funny.

    Stupid winter.

  10. over 16 years ago on Overboard

    Or a baby. “You need to do dishes, hon’, I am holding a sleepy baby.”