Originally invented for sealing ammunition boxes during WWII. Called Duck Tape because it shed water like the back of a duck and kept it out of the ammo. Works very poorly for sealing ducts if they carry hot air.
Actually, the “Big Gov’t” pipe comes from the private fence, not directly from the citizen. Big Govt is getting the vast majority of its data from Big Data who are collecting it anyway for business purposes, not at the behest of the NSA. The government is the beneficiary of their self-serving snooping, not the instigator. Until these latest revelations, it even gave the NSA “plausible deniability” as they could say, “We’re not collecting data on anyone.” Not that it lets the government off the hook for what they do with it or how they correlate it with government data Big Data doesn’t have access to (yet).
Originally invented for sealing ammunition boxes during WWII. Called Duck Tape because it shed water like the back of a duck and kept it out of the ammo. Works very poorly for sealing ducts if they carry hot air.